Vision & Mission


Government Arts and Science College for Women Malappuram was established with a vision to strive for excellence in education by

  1. Upholding inclusive cultural and traditional values and let that flavour percolate into how the teaching learning process is carried out
  2. Pursuing scientific education and research keeping in focus their direct impact on common man and society


Government Arts and Science College for Women Malappuram was established with a mission

  1. To empower women from Malabar region with affordable, modern and quality education enriched with liberal values befitting our pluralistic society
  2. To generate scholars with skill in their chosen trade and equip them for a prosperous future
  3. To impart equitable opportunity to explore and realise their maximum potential
  4. To identify and nurture hidden talents
  5. To foster critical thinking, free exchange of ideas and a desire to life-long learning by providing complete education (intellectual, emotional and physical education) 
  6. To mould future generation well informed of the preservation of environment and the importance of integrating sustainability into various developmental aspects
  7. To instil good values and principles and groom them into good individuals benefitting the society and hence the nation