College Union

The college union is constituted every year in accordance with the
University rules and regulations. The Union consists of the Chairperson,
Vice-Chairperson, General Secretary, Arts Club Secretary, Magazine Editor,
University Union Councillor and General Caption who are elected by the
students. The Union has the responsibility of organizing co-curricular
activities in the college. It also represents the college at University
meetings, youth festivals and Inter-collegiate competitions. The college
union organizes most of the co-curricular activities of the college, under
the guidance of the Principal and the teachers concerned. Every student of
the college shall be an ordinary member of the union and have the right to
vote and contest in the election of the union. The tenure of the College
Union is one academic year. Every student of the college shall be an
ordinary member of the union and have the right to vote and contest in
the election of the union. The tenure of the College Union is one academic
The objectives of the college union are:
• To train students of the college on the duties and rights of
• To promote opportunities for the development of character,
leadership and spirit of service among the students.
• To organize debates, seminars, work squads etc.
• To promote opportunities for students to organize sports, arts and
other cultural and recreational activities.